Trademarks - the name or logo that you use to identify your goods or services.
If you have a trademark that is eligible to be protected with the US Patent & Trademark Office, we will do a basic search to see if nobody else is using a trademark that is confusingly similar with yours. If you want a complete search, then we’ll arrange for a third-party to conduct that search for you. Either way we’ll evaluate the strength of your trademark.
If you decide to move forward with the application with the US Patent & Trademark Office, we file the application for you and monitor its progress. We’ll make technical corrections when needed, but don’t handle substantive challenges or refusals.
We will file the Declaration of Use and Declaration of Incontestability with the US Patent & Trademark when they become due.
Copyright - an original creative literary, artistic, or musical work such as a song, photo, or illustration. We advise on copyright law, but don’t file copyrights.
Intellectual Property Rights. We advise and draft documents to protect your intellectual property rights.
Patent - an invention or original idea. We don’t handle patents. We can provide you with the contact information of a patent attorney that we recommend.