Wow! You’re actually reading our terms of use. Let’s be honest, most people don’t read these things. Vellum LLC tried to design its site so that you will read and understand the terms. You might even be entertained.

Vel­lum offers a pub­lic web­site, legal prod­ucts, and legal ser­vices. When you visit Vellum’s site, pur­chase one of its prod­uct, or sub­scribe to one of its ser­vices, you agree to be bound by these terms.

The Pub­lic Website

Vel­lum doesn’t have mer­chan­dise, but it has lots of infor­ma­tion, doc­u­ments, pic­tures and the like. Just as you wouldn’t take or copy any of the files, fold­ers, doc­u­ments, infor­ma­tion, paint­ings, etc. in an office; you wont take any of Vellum’s stuff or try to recre­ate it. Remem­ber, you’re a guest. You’ll also obey the law. That kind of goes with­out say­ing; but you should be aware that there are all kinds of other laws that gov­ern Vellum’s web­site. Vel­lum expects you to fol­low these rules. These terms don’t mod­ify or waive any of Vellum’s rights under these laws. Vellum’s mate­ri­als are pro­vided as-is. Vel­lum doesn’t make any war­ranties. If you use Vellum’s site and are dam­aged by using it, Vel­lum is not respon­si­ble for those dam­ages. You’re using the site at your own risk.

Site Terms of Use Modifications

Vel­lum may revise these terms of use for its web site at any time with­out notice. By using this web site you are agree­ing to be bound by the then cur­rent ver­sion of these terms. The laws of the state of Alaska shall gov­ern any claim you make relat­ing to Vellum’s web site with­out regard to its con­flict of law provisions.