Are you required by Alaska law to have meet­ings? Nope. But even though the law doesn’t require meet­ings, you can choose to make meet­ings a require­ment in your oper­at­ing agreement.

If you do, then make sure that you have those meet­ings accord­ing to those require­ments. Even if you’re not required to have meet­ings, some­times it makes sense to have them. If you’re going to make some big deci­sion, then it’s a good idea to have a meet­ing, dis­cuss the deci­sion, vote on it, and record the deci­sion in a res­o­lu­tion and record the meet­ing with min­utes. This helps strengthen the cor­po­rate veil because it shows that you’re oper­at­ing the LLC as a sep­a­rate entity.

It nor­mally makes sense to have meet­ings when you have more than one mem­ber. If you just have one mem­ber, then you don’t need to go through this process, but you still might record your thought processes for your records.

Here’s one way to have a meeting:

  • Give notice of the meet­ing to all the members.
  • Pre­pare an agenda.
  • Pre­pare res­o­lu­tions in advance.
  • Hold the meet­ing, call the meet­ing to order, declare a quo­rum, read min­utes from the last meet­ing, vote to approve min­utes, han­dle unfin­ished busi­ness, present reports, take votes, then adjourn the meeting.
  • Pre­pare writ­ten min­utes, sign res­o­lu­tions, and place doc­u­ments into LLC record book.

Some­times you can take action by writ­ten con­sent and forego the meeting.